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Do ChatGPT and Other AI Tools Increase the Risk of Fraud?

Best steps to protect onsite property management teams from fraud

Eliminating Paystub Fraud with Payscore

Fraudulent paystubs risk operators leasing to unqualified tenants, resulting in financial losses and increased NOI pressure. Automated income verification from Payscore eliminates the costs and challenges of fraudulent paystubs.

Vidalta Reduced the risk of fraud and improved leasing decisions with Payscore

Vidalta faced challenges assessing leasing applications that could be fraudulent. Johnny De La Espriella, VP of Operations, needed a solution for his onsite team that was easy to deploy while improving their ability to make fully informed leasing decisions.

Security for Property Management: The Role of Automated Income Verification

In the face of escalating cybercrime, residential property management teams are increasingly vulnerable to data breaches and financial fraud. With cybercrime costs projected to reach $13.82 trillion by 2028, the real estate sector must adopt stringent cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive resident information.

CPNs: The New Source of Rental Application Fraud

Some credit repair companies promote CPNs, "credit privacy numbers", to help individuals hide their bad credit history or bankruptcy. They are one of the fastest growing tools used by applicants attempting to find ways to mask historical financial troubles, essentially defrauding property management teams in the application process. Automated income verification from Payscore delivers the protection your property deserves by revealing the truth about applicant income.

Payscore Now Identifies Mismatched Names Within Automated Income Verification Reports

You asked Payscore to identify potentially misleading or even fraudulent application submittals. Sometimes our reports reveal applicant names that are different from the account holder name.

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